Extremely Viral Forecast (100,000 - 200,000 impressions)


Extremely Viral Forecast (100,000 - 200,000 impressions)


Average impressions for an “Extremely Viral Forecast” range from 100,000 to 200,000.

If the post gets less than 100,000 impressions, we’ll only charge you for a “Viral Forecast” and provide you with a $150 credit towards your next sponsored forecast.

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Note: Regional targeting (Eastern Ontario, Southwestern Ontario, etc.) only available with the General Update package because regional forecasts rarely exceed 25,000 views.

On a first come, first serve basis, your company logo will be placed on our forecast map along with a 1-2 sentence pitch and link that will be included at the bottom of the forecast write up. The pitch is subject to our approval and must be family friendly.

After purchasing, one of our sponsorship representatives will contact you by email within 48 hours to collect the necessary information including logo and pitch. You can ask them any questions you may have or email us at any time at: sponsorship@instantweather.ca

All sponsorships subject to approval and Instant Weather reserves the right to turn down any and all ad submissions, with a full refund.