Thunderstorm Outlook

Valid: Monday, May 25, 2020

Forecaster: Brennen Perry

Thunderstorm outlook map

Thunderstorm outlook map


Southwestern: 5PM - 8PM
Golden Horseshoe: 5PM - 9PM
Central: 6PM - 9PM
Eastern: N/A
Northeastern: N/A

Not sure what region you are in? Click here for a map showing the regions across Southern Ontario. Northeastern Ontario is north of North Bay (not shown on map).

Thunderstorm Threatcast

Thunderstorm Confidence

Moderate (50%)

Severe Confidence

Low (25%)


Funnel Cloud/Landspout Potential (Questionable)

Max Wind Gusts

80+ kmh | 50+ mph

Max Hail Size

~2.5cm | ~1"

Max 24-hr Rainfall

~75 mm | ~3"

Forecast Discussion

Issued: Monday, May 25, 2020 - 3:25PM

The environment is favourable for the development of a few pop-up thunderstorms late this afternoon and into the early evening. A zone stretching from the Western Lake Ontario shoreline and towards the K/W region has the highest chance of seeing storms and could move quite slowly leading to a flash flooding risk. Rainfall amounts over 75mm within a short timeframe in the hardest hit location isn’t out of the question. Aside from the flash flooding potential, these storms could also produce large hail up to Quarter size and strong wind gusts.

There is also the potential for funnel clouds with any of these storms even outside of the isolated severe zone. In rare cases, these types of funnel clouds can touch the ground and cause a landspout tornado but the chances remain low and questionable. The storm threat will come to an end late this evening as the storms fizzle out.

+ Attribution

Icons made by Good Ware from