Active Weather Is on the Way for the Weekend

Valid: Saturday, December 5 to Monday December 7, 2020

Active weather is in store for New Brunswick over the next several days.  It will be bringing a mixed bag of conditions, including heavy rain for the southern portion of the province, and a fair bit of snow for the north.

Saturday Dec 5/20

Rain moves in along the Fundy shore, early to mid morning on Saturday, becoming heavy at times. It will continue through the day, gradually moving northward to cover much of the southern half of the province.  

Sunday Dec 6/20

Rain continues in the south, while overnight Saturday into Sunday morning, snow starts to move into the Northern half of the province.  There will be some mixing in the form of sleet in the Woodstock to McAdam, to Miramichi to Bathurst corridor, as rain transitions to snow. North of that should see mostly snow.  Gradually in the south, rain will transition to snow. 

Monday Dec 7/20

Snow will continue overnight, gradually declining as the system moves out of the province by early to mid morning.

The rain with this system will be heaviest near the Fundy shore, where rainfall totals could reach 40-60mm.

Sleet totals will vary, depending on the switch over from rain to snow. Roughly the area from Woodstock to McAdam, to Bathurst to Miramichi could see up to 2cm of sleet. The faster the switch over from rain to snow, the less sleet you’ll see, but snow totals will be higher.

North of the areas getting the sleet as noted above, you will see a fair bit of snow.  The further north, the more snow you’ll see.  Some areas North of Woodstock to Bathurst, you could see up to 40cm of the white stuff.

Winds will range from 20-40km/h, with gusts in some areas reaching to 80km/h

Please keep in mind that the snowfall combined with the winds, could create treacherous driving conditions. Hopefully you have your snow tires on already.  Be careful out there, and drive for the conditions.

Probability of storm chips:  North of Woodstock to Bathurst, 85%.  Time to get out and stock up!

~ Harry & Mike, IWNB