Rain Continues & So does the Record Heat!

Updated: September, 29, 2020 @ 12:25pm

Valid: September, 29, 2020 @ 1pm

Forecaster: James Follette

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Rain continues to fall over portions of Central BC and Haidi Gwaii, with already almost 4 days of rain, some areas have already received over 100 mm. More rain will continue to fall through the night Tonight and into Tomorrow for portions of Central BC.

The rain will begin to exit Tomorrow night as a strong ridge of high pressure comes up from the Southern States and sit around for a long time.


The ridge of high pressure is thanks to this very large upper level low in the Jet stream, basically it’s a large trough from northern Canada that buckles the jet stream, sending record heat and prolonged dry weather to the West, As well as Hot, Humid & unsettled weather for the East coast and in the middle from the Prairies to Ontario and much of the states in the mid-west will see chilly temperatures and lot’s of clouds and showers.

This weather pattern looks to persist all the way into the middle of October, sending prolonged dry weather and record breaking heat, Many towns and cities will see temperatures flirting with the 30-degree mark, typical to June or July.


Records could be broken in Kamloops, much of the Interior, Vancouver and surrounding areas, this is where highs will sky rocket into the mid and upper 20’s to even flirting at 30. and this will persist all of this week.

There is a small low that will bring in increasing clouds and a dip in temperatures, but will still be above normal and brief.

As for the rain, Rainfall amounts through Thursday the first day of October, up to 75 mm can be expected over NW sections, elsewhere about 5 to 15 mm, perhaps even some isolated 25 mm.

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Summer like heat through the week…

BC Heat Map Wednesday.jpg

First of October… More like First of June!

BC Heat Map Thursday.jpg

Well above normal temperatures will persist all into the week and into next week, with no rain in sight. So don’t put the shorts away, go to the beach when can or hit the pool and keep the patio furniture out and get a good tan! Because summer is not leaving any time soon!

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