Southern Ontario: Fall Weather Hazards Outlook for Monday, November 1, 2021

Forecast Discussion

Bands of lake effect showers will develop off Georgian Bay in a westerly flow during the late morning hours on Monday. Later in the day, we expect colder air to flow into the region slowly dropping temperatures to near the freezing mark by Monday evening. This will allow for some wet flurries to mix in with the lake effect precipitation. The lake effect flurries will predominantly affect regions east of Georgian Bay along with the Tobermory area. We will also see some activity through the Elliot Lake region due to some lake effect precipitation off Lake Superior.

Not expecting much in terms of accumulation since temperatures will be mainly above the freezing mark so any snow will melt on contact with the ground. If we do see accumulation in some areas it’ll be at most a few centimetres of wet, slushy snow. The lake effect activity will continue overnight and into Tuesday where we may actually see some minor accumulation. More details in Tuesday’s outlook are to come soon.