Southern Ontario: Winter Weather Hazards Outlook for Thursday, December 2, 2021

Forecast Discussion

Light rain showers and drizzle will affect parts of Southwestern, Central and Eastern Ontario throughout the night and into Thursday morning. It appears that this drizzle will allow for the development of heavy fog throughout some parts of the region. Heavy fog can create near-zero visibility and make travel difficult at times. Be sure to drive according to the conditions. The fog will burn off shortly after sunrise.

In addition to this, there will also be some strong wind gusts particularly along the southern shoreline of Georgian Bay and into parts of the GTA. At this point, it appears that gusts should remain under 80km/h for the most part so it’s not included on the map. However, some light wind damage can’t be ruled out especially in areas right along the shoreline of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.