Weekend Winter Storm To Bring Heavy Snow, Prolonged Freezing Rain or Significant Rainfall to Northern Ontario

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We are monitoring a system set to affect Northern Ontario this weekend which will bring a mixed bag of precipitation to the region depending on your location. Impacts will vary from heavy snow to the northwest of Thunder Bay, prolonged freezing rain through the Geraldton area and heavy rainfall for Northeastern Ontario. This will all begin tonight as an approaching system starts to spread rain across southern parts of Northeastern Ontario along the Lake Superior shoreline

Moisture will continue to be pumped into Northern Ontario throughout the overnight hours as precipitation slowly spreads to the northwest. By Saturday afternoon, the outer bands of the precipitation will encounter colder air resulting in an area of mixed precipitation developing somewhere from Marathon through Moosonee. It will start out as some ice pellets or light snow before a more potent band of freezing rain will set up around the Geraldton area by late Saturday. Further west, the predominant precipitation type will be sleet and heavy snow affecting locations such as Thunder Bay and Armstrong. Precipitation will linger overnight although it will slowly taper off by Sunday morning as the system moves out of the region.

In terms of impact, those in Northeastern Ontario including Sault Ste. Marie, Elliot Lake, Sudbury and Timmins will stay on the warm side of this winter storm and see all rain with total accumulation ranging from 30-60mm by Sunday morning. For the Marathon and Moosonee areas, you will start off with some mixed precipitation for a few hours during the late afternoon and early evening on Saturday before switching over to regular rain. The biggest impact will be around Geraldton with the potential for up to 4-8mm of ice accretion from freezing rain along with some mixed precipitation. Icy road conditions and power outages are possible in this region.

Accumulating snow is possible for parts of Northwestern Ontario with Thunder Bay picking up between a trace to 5cm of snow plus ice pellets. The heaviest snow will be found to the north for the Armstrong and Fort Hope region which could see up to 10-20cm of snow from this storm by Sunday. In addition to this, there will be strong wind gusts late Saturday with gusts approaching 70-90km/h mainly for regions to the north of Georgian Bay.

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