Isolated Severe Thunderstorm Possible This Afternoon & This Evening (Thursday, May 26, 2022)
/Isolated severe thunderstorms are possible this afternoon and evening across parts of southwestern, central, and perhaps eastern Ontario. Most storms will remain sub-severe (below severe thresholds). However, there is a chance that they could briefly produce damaging wind gusts, hail, isolated flooding and frequent lightning. Tornado activity seems unlikely but there is a bit of potential for rotation with these storms so perhaps we could see a funnel cloud report or a brief landspout tornado.
If we see any rotation on radar, we will do our best to notify all those who have our free app Instant Weather and who subscribe to our premium Text Message Alerts as well as through Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Just want to say a huge thank you to all those who share our updates and support our team and community! It really makes a huge difference. And our most heartfelt thoughts and condolences remain with those who were affected by Saturday’s devastating derecho storm and embedded tornadoes.
More details ASAP.