BC Saturday Morning Forecast: More Heat, Haze & Sunshine. Showery Sunday and A Cooling Trend!

Updated: Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 @ 4:25 AM

Valid: Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 @ 5 AM

Forecaster: James Follette


Good Early Morning! This is a updated Version of the BC Evening forecast on Friday, October 2nd, 2020.

Taking a look at the Almanac for today ( Friday) in Vancouver, We have made it to a very nice and warm 20 degrees, The average is only 15, So we were once again above normal by as much as 5 degrees. Record was not broken here in the city, which is at 23 degrees and 0 degrees for record low, we hit 9 this morning only 1 degree above the average low of 8. Sunrise was at 7:14 AM and sun set was at 6:49 PM. We had no rain today, nor we had rain so far this month. Record is 0.50” today and average monthly rainfall is near 5”.


Max highs today, very warm with many broken records smashed. Princeton the hot spot at 26 degrees, a lot of towns and cities making it above 25 degrees and a very large area of temperatures well over 20 degrees. Normal highs this time of year is now between 13 and 17 degrees C. We are at the time of year where 20’s is becoming very rare.


Taking a look at the current Satellite Cloud Tops Alert Super HD. we have that ridge keeping much of the province clear, with the ridge keeping the clouds far to the north. We do have some Haze out there from the wild fires down south in the states, This Haze will persist through the weekend.


Here is a live look at temperatures on this early Saturday morning, First weekend morning of October.

Cold spot is Chilanko Forks at only 2 degrees! It is 4 in Merritt in the Interior. Most areas though are in the 5 to 10 range over the mainland of the province and 10 to 15 on the coast and islands.


Looking at the conditions at this early morning, many areas right now seeing thick fog out there, Where we also have thick fog advisories in effect. You can take a look at those on the IW weather app, but also on Instantweather.com and on the IW BC Facebook page. We have Haze still reported in Vancouver International Airport, Light rain continuous over Sandspit in Haidi Gwaii.


Here is what you need to know to plan your day for this Saturday! Fog patches and Haze at 6am, we’ll slightly warm up to 15 by 9 AM with Haze, That Haze sticks around all through the day and night. we’ll climb to 18 at noon, and climax to 20 at 3pm, However inland areas likely get up to 23/24 degrees. Temperatures tumble to 17 by supper hour and really crash to 12 by midnight.


Here is your weather grade for today! Sunny, Hazy and Warm still! Looking at low 20’s and low 10’s for lows this morning. 8am, we’re at 13 and Haze, 18 by noon and Hazy skies and by 4pm we’re at 20 with Haze, expect a sea breeze to develop this late afternoon which will drop temperatures fast into the late afternoon and evening. where we’re at 13 by 8pm under some clear skies and haze. SW winds off the water at 5-10 km/h so, a light breeze. High humidity! so it may feel a bit sticky out there, areas in the Metro that get to 20 will feel like 26 with humidex today, and those getting up to like 23/24 such as Abbottsford and surrounding inland areas, will feel like the low 30’s with humidex today.

Because of the high humidity, A sea breeze, The Smokey and Hazy skies. I am giving it a B- grade today.

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Looking at the FutureCAST taking us out over next few days, Large ridge of High pressure will continue to dominate the province, however a coastal storm will break off a few pieces and bring a slight chance of showers tomorrow for the Interior. Windy and wet weather will continue into Monday for Haidi Gwaii and Central parts of the province. Otherwise, we looking at fairly very dry and mild to warm conditions for the Interior, Vancouver and Vancouver Island over next several days.


Looking at rainfall totals going through next Friday, parts of the NW coast, Haidi Gwaii looking to get up to 2-4” of rain or 50 to 100 mm of rain by Friday evening. For Northern British Columbia, parts of the Interior and Vancouver Island. .10th of an inch to a half inch of rain is expected, or 5 to 15 mm by Friday Evening.


The Warm and dry weather has not been great for the Pollen/Allergy counts where they continue to be High to Extreme for Trees, Grass and weed, Mold counts are down though to near Moderate.

As rain and cooler air moves in during the week, pollen counts will fall to low and moderate levels.


If you’re not a fan of the above average warmth, then maybe you will love this 7-day Temperature trend as temperatures drop swiftly by Sunday, highs of 16, 17 on Monday and climbing to 18 Tuesday and 20 on Wednesday, So we do warm up again briefly, but fall back into the 17-18 range. Now even though these temperatures may be cooler, They’re still above average by a few degrees. Once we get into the 7-10 day period, that is when we could see a much cooler pattern where temperatures go below average.

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Here is the weekend forecast, hit 20 yesterday under haze, similar conditions today! A tad more humid and still hazy. More clouds than sun and still Hazy tomorrow, cooler! but still above average at 17 degrees.

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Taking a look at the 5-day Regional forecasts, first starting with the Desert, Okanagan, Interior and Kootenays area.

Starting with Kamloops, Hazy skies again today and looking to break record temperatures with highs once again around 24-25 range, much cooler on Sunday with a few showers, Highs near normal! at 18, Clouds and sun on Monday & Tuesday and remains cool at 17-18 degrees and drizzle and clouds on Wednesday and 21.

For Kelowna, Hazy and hot once again today with records being broken, Highs at 26. Cooler with a chance of storms on Sunday, Highs around 20. Cooler and dry next week with highs of 17-19 degrees.

For Grand Forks, Sunny and warm once again next 5 days with highs in the low 20’s, near 24 today.

Cranbrook, Looking at a sizzler today with highs near 27, Records likely to be broken. Cooler and remains sunny all week with highs Sunday into mid next week 20 to 24 degrees.

Now taking a look at the Coasts, Capes & Islands.

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Victoria, Hazy skies through the weekend and continued sunshine into mid next week. Highs of 19 to 21 degrees.

Naniamo, Hazy and warm today at 24. Rain at times on Sunday and cooler with a high of 19, sun and clouds Monday, And 19 then sunny and 22 degrees Tuesday & Wednesday.

Campbell Island, Sun & Clouds today and 18. Showery weather Tomorrow into Tuesday and much cooler! Highs of 17 Tomorrow, Only 11 on Monday and 14 on Tuesday, Warmer on Wednesday with a high of 18 and some clouds.

and Lastly for Sandspit in Haidi Gwaii, Showery weather with periods of wind through the week with a break on Tuesday. Highs of 12 to 14 degrees.

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And finally your Local Vancouver 7-Day forecast. Haze and 20 today, Another warm one! as well more humid so it will feel more like 26 degrees. Sun & Clouds on Sunday and 16, Sunny skies to start the week and highs of 17-20, We Increase clouds on Thursday and 17 and end the week with a slight chance of showers Friday. High of 18!