Damage Reports Near Wainwright Area From Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Here are some of the report and photos of the storm damage that occurred during the afternoon of Tuesday May 18 2021 near Wainwright. Thank you to everyone who shared their experience and reports with us and our thoughts are with those who were affected.

Paul L. writes: “Poles and trees down just west of Wainwright”

Carson R. “10 or so power poles snapped off 4 feet from the ground west of Wainwright”

Charleen T. “Had our 150 foot cattle shed torn in half. Poles pulled 4 feet out of the ground, wooden debris in the trees and the metal roof picked up and taken over the trees to land on the ditch on the other side. Trampoline tossed into the trees but the sandbox toys right beside we’re not disturbed…..” West of Paradise Valley

Glenda P shared these photos of downed poles 2km west of Wainright.

Charlene T. had three big evergreen trees uprooted in Wainwright. One is pictured below:

Charlene T - Wainright

Charlene T - Wainright

Lisa C. sent us these photos of her place in Wainwright.

Lisa C - Wainwright

Lisa C - Wainwright

Lisa C - Wainwright

Lisa C - Wainwright

Dominique R. sent us this picture of a horse shelter that was destroyed. They also had soffit that flew away and a shed that collapsed.

Dominique R - Wainwright

Dominique R - Wainwright

A well know business (Webb’s Machinery ) experienced substantial damage in the storm:

Edward C. - Webb’s

Edward C. - Webb’s

Bonnie WS shared these photos:

Debbie FR. reported “Hello, yes we had broken power poles , lost shingles and trees, hail . Our pool is in the trees and fence! Lots of flying trampolines and buildings. … We were out watching the storm roll in! Lots of loud rolling thunder! Wind picked up out of nowhere and blew furniture everywhere! Started raining big fat raindrops then turned to dime size hail for about 20 minutes! The wind and hail
Blew all the fresh green leaves off ! Looked like it had rained lettuce! Blue skies after about 20 minutes! Winds were very loud and clouds twirling”

Debbie F.R. Wainwright

Debbie F.R. Wainwright

Debbie F. R. - Wainwright

Debbie F. R. - Wainwright

Melaine P. reported “It just came up quickly! There was a lot of force with it. The light posts in our parking lot were wavering pretty good. Didn’t really see any damage, just small branches broken. The dirt that it was blowing made visibility not that great at times. We witnessed it from the second floor of our building, facing south. It lasted for probably 45 min to an hour, when the wind came down”

Julie D-C writes “My barn had a lot of damages: the front collapsed, a few panels flew away with shingles. We live North East of Wainwright, by Gilt Edge Hall.”

Julie D-C - Wainwright

Julie D-C - Wainwright

Darlene G - North of Wainwright

Darlene G - North of Wainwright

Chance F writes “Ripped the roof off a building right in front of us … But we were right in the middle of it and it was crazy. Truck was shaking and things were blowing everywhere. 8 power poles snapped in half about 200 yards from me”

Sandra C

Sandra C

Dian D. “Part of our roof was ripped off and what I witnessed prior to this was formation of what I thought dust devil or something to that effect in the fields neighbouring us to the south west”. Dian also share what the sky looked like just before.

Darren Jury “We lost a large tree inour driveway. Snapped off at 9’”

Darren J

Darren J

Chelsea L. sent us this video and wrote "This was south of Sedgewick around 245..."

Thank you for your help and we have submitted all of your reports to the NTP for further investigation.