Chilly Air to Invade Manitoba for the First Week of September With Temperatures Near the Freezing Mark

Valid: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Forecast Discussion

It’s hard to believe, but we’re already heading into September and that means we have to say goodbye to the hot scorching temperatures we’ve seen this summer and hello to the colder fall nights. And Mother Nature isn’t wasting any time with temperatures near or slightly below the freezing mark to start off the first full week of September across Manitoba.

We’ll begin to see the invasion of this chilly air overnight Sunday and into Monday with overnight lows in the low to mid-single digits. The temperatures will warm up slightly during the day on Monday with daytime highs around 5-10°C. We expect the coldest temperatures will occur overnight Monday and into Tuesday morning where many areas throughout the province, especially in the Western part of Manitoba will be hovering near the freezing mark or even the low single negative digits. Central Manitoba including Winnipeg should stay above the freezing mark around 2-4°C.

When it comes to the S-word, the temperature is certainly favourable for a few flurries but there isn’t much moisture expected in the region that will be near the freezing mark Tuesday morning so most areas likely won’t see their first snow just yet. But certainly further north through the Thompson and Churchill area could see a few centimetres of snow.

This cold snap will be brief though because temperatures will warm up substantially as we head into the middle and end of the week. By next weekend, we could be talking about daytime highs in the high teens or even low 20s!

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