Ice Day (Bus Cancellation) Outlook for Tuesday, February 22, 2022

An extensive freezing rain risk throughout the day on Tuesday will likely result in the cancellation of school buses throughout Central and Eastern Ontario. Environment Canada has issued Freezing Rain Warnings in many regions mentioning the potential for ‘significant’ ice accumulation from freezing rain which should be sufficient enough to cancel school buses and maybe even close schools. As such, we have given these regions a 75-90% chance of an ‘ice day’ on Tuesday. The Ottawa region has a slightly lower chance due to it being a more urban school board and tends to have a higher threshold for cancellation. That threshold should still be met, but it's not fully guaranteed.

The probability of bus cancellations will decrease further to the south as freezing rain will have less of an impact and there isn’t a Freezing Rain Warning in effect. Those in higher elevations including the Dundalk Highlands have a 50/50 chance based on some freezing drizzle that could be ongoing around the time the decision to cancel buses is made. We don’t expect cancellations in the GTA, however, we gave them a 5-10% chance just in case local roads are icy. That’s very questionable though as the temperature should be above the freezing mark by mid-morning so don’t count on it.

If there are any cancellations tomorrow morning, you can be sure we’ll be up bright and early beginning at 6 AM with our bus cancellations live blog to keep you updated.

Disclaimer: Instant Weather has zero authority when it comes to bus and school closures. It is completely up to the school boards, bus companies, and local authorities as well as being up to parents to decide what is best for their children. This is simply our best guess based on our forecast. Also note that due to the current pandemic, some school boards have changed their policies on school bus cancellations. Some will continue the school day in a virtual format should there be school bus cancellations - check with your local board for more details.