Another Winter Storm Heading for PEI

Valid 14 Jan, 2022

…and just like that, our second winter storm of 2022 is heading our way. This one has a number of the same characteristics of last week's storm - significant snow and high winds.


Prince County should see this as a snow event only with the snow starting late afternoon on Friday. Kings County, and possibly most of Queens County will see this system start as rain around lunch time on Friday. By early evening that rain will have a change over to snow in Queens County. We may see some ice pellets in Queens County during that changeover. In Kings County, the changeover will see ice pellets and possibly see some freezing rain. By 10pm, it should be an all snow event. Snow will continue through the overnight into Saturday and will diminish to flurries some time Saturday afternoon.


The below snowfall accumulations are what we can expect to see from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon:

Prince County – 30-40 cm
Queens County – 30-40 cm
Kings County – 20-30 cm

WIND: Again, winds will be a factor with this system. Winds will be from the North / Northwest and will gradually increase through the evening hours of Friday and should start diminishing Saturday around noon. The stronger winds will occur between 2am and 10am Saturday. Overall, wind should be 50-70 km/h with gusts of 80-100 km/h n

TEMPERATURE: Friday will start with temperatures hovering around the freezing mark and by supper time Friday, temperatures will begin to go down and will reach lows near -10 by Saturday evening.

Any shift in the front could vary the precipitation types and quantities. We will continue to monitor this system and keep you updated with any significant changes.

Winds and snow will cause white out and hazardous driving conditions. Be prepared for power outages. Please exercise caution if you are on the roads. Saturday will be a day that travel is not recommended. If you do not need to drive, stay home and eat chips. Always adhere to the recommendations of the RCMP and PEI Public Safety.

As always, be safe and let us know what you are experiencing in your areas.

Storm chip Probability: 100%

IWPE Team (Mike S, Harry S)