Settings as of February 28 2025

We have added some new features. Here are the settings as of February 28 2025:

Layer Opacity: The opacity of the data layer on the map.

Live Mode: When turned on IW Pro will auto load new frames as they become available.

Velocity Color: Velocity 1 is red/blue (Environment Canada standard) and Velocity 2 is red/green (more commonly used)

NEW Velocity & Measurement Format: Mph or Km/h. As well as setting the velocity units it also sets the units for the measurement tool (mi or km).

Radar Placement Accuracy: Use a lower value if your device is slow (8) otherwise we recommend 11.

Labels and Boundaries: Turn on/off the labels and boundaries.

Time Display: Choose 24 hour or 12 hour time display.

Canadian Radar Noise Reduction: Turn on to remove the radar interference spikes (laser beams). Turn off to see features such as hail spikes and faint outflow boundaries.

Lightning Data: Turn on to see the location of lightning.

Mosaic Radar Layer: Turn on to see the mosaic radar layer. Note that you must not have a radar station selected to see the mosaic radar. We recommend also turning off radar icons.

NEW IW StormRisk (Beta): Turn on to see the IW StormRisk. See this blog post for more details.

NEW Thunderstorm Forecasts: Choose which time period to see Environment Canada’s official “Thunderstorm Outlooks”. You can also choose the opacity. See this blog post for details.

Alerts: Turn on to see the ECCC alerts and IW Instant Updates. You can also choose which types of Alerts to see. Instant Updates, Warnings, Watches, Statements & Advisories and U.S. Alerts.

Note: One quick way to reload the radar is to switch between SINGLE/SPLIT/DUAL modes.