'Snow Day' Forecast: Will London Area Students Ever Go to School? Likely Not Until Next Week!


Intense snow squalls have developed off Lake Huron and Georgian Bay on Thursday, delivering significant snowfall to areas southeast of the lakes. This activity is expected to persist through the overnight hours, gradually weakening early Friday morning. However, snowfall totals in the hardest-hit regions are likely to exceed 50 cm by the time the squalls subside.

Given the expected heavy accumulation overnight, it is highly likely that some school boards in the affected regions will decide to keep buses off the roads for yet another day.

The highest probability of cancellations will again be concentrated along the southeastern shoreline of Lake Huron. This includes the southern portion of the Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) and the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), which covers the City of London.

There is a 90% likelihood of bus cancellations in these areas, as the combination of the existing snowpack and additional overnight snowfall will almost certainly create treacherous travel conditions for the morning commute.

The remainder of the Lake Huron shoreline, including the northern section of the AMDSB, the entire Bluewater District School Board (BWDSB), and the “West” weather zone for the Simcoe County school board, has a 50–75% chance of cancellations.

For school boards east of Georgian Bay, including the NNDSB (Parry Sound), Trillium Lakelands (Muskoka), and the “North” weather zone for Simcoe County, we have assigned a 50–75% chance of cancellations. Confidence here is slightly lower because the snow squalls in these areas are expected to intensify later in the day.

As mentioned in Environment Canada's snow squall watch, conditions will likely worsen in the afternoon, requiring school boards to make proactive decisions in the morning. This is particularly true for Parry Sound, where the school board has a history of erring on the side of caution when adverse weather is expected.

Outside the snowbelt regions, the likelihood of a snow day is almost non-existent, as the heavy snow will remain highly localized to areas directly impacted by the squalls.

Disclaimer: Instant Weather has zero authority when it comes to bus and school closures. It is completely up to the school boards, bus companies, local authorities, and parents to decide what is best for their children. This is our best guess based on our forecast.